The Top 3 Reasons To Renew With Your Landscape Maintenance Provider

Let’s face it, going through the run around looking for a new vendor to service your property’s landscape maintenance needs is a nightmare.

Maybe your story looks something like this…

First you start by asking your friends, “hey, do you know of any competent landscapers that I can trust?”

This inevitably followed with the sisyphean sigh and let down a, “no but please do God do tell me if you find one!”

So then you turn to Google and are overwhelmed by the sheer quantity of providers, all 118 for the keyword, “commercial landscape maintenance” alone in the Denver area.

Uneagerly you grab your phone and then begin to make the rounds calling the top 3 “stand out” providers in town who then promise to show up at a scheduled time. You get excited, “yes! finally! this just might be the company I can count on!”

Time passes and of course they don’t show up.

You’re back to square one.

If you’re lucky half will show up and half still yet will be seemingly confident while the other half are a drag to interface with.

Can’t there be a better way!?!?!

Then one season you FINALLY have a tolerable experience working with a company that seems to be proactive, timely, and actually takes pride in the work.

Now what?

The next season rolls around and you’re back to square one.

Let me make your life easier and show you how we would suggest you choose the easy path and renew with your current provider with 3 easy tips to look out for.

Were they proactive?

If your provider took the initiative to both spot need and led you to realize you had a need that you were unaware of AND would lead to you saving money in the long run, you’ve got a keeper.

Were they a Trusted Advisor?

A good landscaper does the work on time, every time.

A great landscaper looks out for you and advises against you doing things that are not in their interest but in your interest.

If you find someone who can downsell you, meaning help you avoid investing in areas of low impact that you might initially think is high impact, you’ve got a keeper.

Did they go above and beyond?

Better to play long term games with longterm people.

If your landscaper looked for opportunities to serve you that were above and beyond or better yet intermittently complimentary you’ve got a keeper.


Large-Scale Landscape Maintenance: Strategies for Efficiently Managing 150+ Unit Properties


The Importance of Early Planning and Choosing a Landscaping Provider in the winter for the following season.